Airlocked! season 4
<< Airlocked! season 4 is the fourth season of Airlocked!. >>
Season 4 once again pits a unique cast of characters against one another under the theme of murderers. All of the participants of the fourth season have committed at least one murder prior to being scouted for the season.
Season 4 is set in a correctional facility known as Starfield Penitentiary. The ship itself had three primary floors.
True to it's name, the Champions were assigned cells containing two or three individuals in them; with a mix of single beds and bunk beds to help accommodate them.
Along with the Champion's cells, it's first floor included a Mess Hall, Kitchen, Library, Laundry room, Storage and bathrooms as well as the Councelor Aiden Price's office.
The second floor consisted of a large exercise yard, infirmary, arts and crafts room as well as a room for the ship's incinerator.
The third floor contained a greenhouse, license plate factory and two solitary cells.
Twenty-five individuals wake up in various cells one day to realize that they have been brought to Starfield Penitentiary and expected to undergo therapy under the supervision of Counselor Aiden Price. However, a mere week into the group therapy process, the ship appears to be struck. It is boarded by a large number of autonomous robots as well as a pirate by the name of Blaze Dudely. A returning figure from the sensational first season, he sets up new rules for the killing game. In the process, Shirou Emiya dies trying to fight back. He sets up an appropriate trial grounds, when Alexander Hamilton, who was spying on the work-- is punished for entering with permission and resisting.
Each week a new, exciting motive is presented for four weeks; resulting in four new exciting cases.
Nine individuals survived, including: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Varric Tethras, Pyrrha Nikos, Max Caulfield, Will Graham, Mozu, Soma Cruz, Touko Fukawa, and Rick Sanchez.
Episode List
- Welcome to Starfield
- Meetings, Greetings
- Affirmations
- Cell Block Rhythm
- Emergency Protocol
- Hoist the Colours
- Mere Numbers No Longer
- Bye-onara Worlds
- What Do We Trust
- A Good Night For A Murder
- Broken and All Washed Up
- Infamous Final Words
- The First Calm
- Food is Running Out
- Hoarding Isn't A Crime
- Everything's Gone
- Dead, Deceased, Drained and Disintegrated
- By the Accords
- The Madness Continues
- For Those Whom You Have Lost
- A Love Among Prisoners
- This Is Halloween
- Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
- Sacrifices
- A Much Emptier Place
- Radio Silence
- We Could End This Now
- Unease Spreads
- Genocide Disturbed
- A Hero Lost
- Take A Stand
- It's Just Us Now
- Emptiness...?
- A History Unknown
- Memoirs
- Farewell Starfield
- Characters confirmed to share worlds with characters from past seasons: Mozu (Xander of Nohr, Takumi of Hoshido), Shirou Emiya (Manaka Sajyou, Angelica Ainsworth), Pyrrha Nikos (Penny Polendina), Erika Furudo (Natsuhi Ushiromiya), Agent Connecticut and Aiden Price (Leonard Church), Noctis Lucis Caelum (Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Prompto Argentum, Ardyn Izunia), Leon Kuwata and Touko Fukawa (Byakuya Togami)
- Agent Connecticut hailed from the same world as the Counselor, Aiden Price which resulted in a lot of early suspicion.
- Touko Fukawa and Leon Kuwata were both participants of the same murdergame previously orchestrated at Hope's Peak along with Byakuya Togami.
- This is the only season that does not feature a Champion from Earth 12.