Junpei Tenmyouji

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Junpei Tenmyouji
Junpei charbox.png
Season Season 3, Season 5
Title Champion Challenger
Age 22 (S3), 23 (S5)
Height 5'8"
Weight 155 lbs (S3), 140 lbs (S5)
Species Human (S3), SHIFTer (S5)
Hometown Japan, Earth
Occupation Private detective (S3)

Royal advisor, private detective (S5)

Likes Scotch, dangerous women (S3), root beer floats (S5)
Dislikes Heroics, bracelets, betrayal (S3)

Shitty old science men, death games (S5)

Traits Reckless, Heroic
Trivia Always wears Calvin Klein underwear.
Status Dead (killed by Heart)
Junpei is a Champion from Airlocked! season 3.
WARNING: Spoilers for Airlocked! season 3 follow.

Junpei Tenmyouji (天明寺 淳平 Tenmyouji Junpei) is an embittered veteran of what he calls "life-or-death games," having participated in no fewer than two before his appearance in Airlocked! As a result, while he has a lot of experience to offer his fellow Champions, he tends to be closed-off and prickly, only reliable in an investigation. Underneath that jaded shell, though, there's something still unshakably decent about him--and this sharp-tongued detective is only separated by two shots of whiskey from the lovable goofball he may once have been.

Claims regarding his psychic abilities have not been confirmed in the show itself. It is unknown whether that is due to the interference of the PIPs, that his powers really are weaker in isolation from other espers, or that he made his powers up.

He is a member of Ardyn Izunia's Kingsglaive and Yuuri Wakasa's partner.

Junpei's title, Champion Challenger, has yet to be officially clarified, but is thought to have something to do with his reckless personality.

According to Kip Larimer's categorization system, Junpei hails from Earth 7.



Judge for yourself what kind of person I am.

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Note: Adding to or editing this section is to be done with CANON INFORMATION ONLY. Speculation on the nature of alternate histories or Junpei's previous death games, unless backed with citations from the show or official IG7 material, should go to the forums instead.

Season 3

Judge for yourself what kind of person I am.

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Bonus Content

When Junpei's arm was vaporized, the arm appeared in Florida, much to the alarm and consternation of the fallen Champions residing there.

Judge for yourself what kind of person I am.

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  • Official sources have confirmed that Junpei came from Earth 7 on January 1st, 2029.
  • Junpei has participated in more life-or-death games than any other Champion.
  • Promotional content has confirmed his birthday is February 8, 2006.
  • Tenmyouji isn't a "real" Japanese name that anyone in Japan uses, but an assemblage of Japanese sounds. It literally means "space, sun, moon, earth". This sequence represents an astronomical phenomenon, possibly a syzygy or eclipse.
  • Junpei is one of a small number of Champions who have received multiple species listings in different profiles, in his case going from human to SHIFTer.